Proposed Landscaping

Planting Strategy

The overall planting strategy develops a clear identity for the school and a landscape setting responsive to the wider context of the future neighbourhood masterplan. The spatial arrangement within the site creates opportunities for STEM curriculum development, encourages biodiversity, defines the spatial form of social areas and enhances shade. The key elements are to:

  • Provide a compact footprint to the school and parking area to maximize the available area of soft planting and amenity grass within the site.
  • Retain the mature trees within the site to provide a mature setting and retain existing habitat. Approximately 380m length of existing field hedges are required to be removed due to grass pitch formation and required changes in levels and will be
    compensated for through 580m length of new boundary hedge
  • Plant an additional 91 new native species trees and over 1500m.sq of native woodland scrub planting to enhance the biodiversity of the site, create a boulevard type entrance plaza, define a setting for the new building and social spaces, provide shade to the building and seating areas and create habitat.
  • Strengthen the ecological value for the site through native tree planting and hedgerow planting. Meadow flower grass seeding will expand the biodiversity and sensory experience within the habitat area to further develop the grounds as an educational resource.

Throughout the design process, it has been a principal aim to ensure that any areas of sensitive ecological value are retained and enhanced through the new development wherever feasible. Temporary fences will be provided to protect the existing trees
during construction works.

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